Not everyone who works in the video industry has studied to be there. There are roles for those who don’t have the knowledge or training to film and edit where you can learn on the job. Or maybe you’ve had the training and are about to start your first job? No matter how extensive your knowledge there are a few things you should be aware of. Here are some video industry basics to get you going.
Learn the terminology
Research and get to know what different video terms mean, and if you hear something that you don’t know, ask.
Get to know the kit
There are a lot of factors that could vary which kit you use for a video, however for smaller teams you’ll likely keep to the same/similar kit. If this is the case you don’t want to be on set and feel like you’re not helping, learn what is what so you can get involved, this is very helpful in tight time circumstances.
Get the hang of packing down the kit
Even if it’s just a few pieces. Moving from one location to the next with little time to spare is stressful, even if you can just collapse a reflector it will help. Saying that never then leave with this kit, make sure whoever is monitoring it knows where everything is.
Understand different people work differently
There is no 100% right way that works in every situation, but there will be a way that works for the team, don’t be afraid to learn this dynamic. This will change depending on the video, director and producer.
Google is your new best friend
There will always be something that you haven’t heard before, or a task given to you that you may have never done before, do your research and give it your best.
Old production folders are also your best friend
If you’re unsure of how things work, be it scheduling or casting, check production folders for other projects and see how they’ve been done before.
Respect your role, but be prepared to step outside of it
Make sure that what you are doing, you’re doing very well, but understand that this might not always be your only role. Be comfortable when entering new territory, you’ll find with smaller video teams you’ll get involved with lots of different jobs.
Video is a fun and exciting industry to work in, so throw yourself in and keep learning along the way. Hopefully these video industry basics will get you off to the best start.
Want to see my first bigger budget production as an assistant producer? Check it out here:

May Sweeney
Marketing Executive
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